JOE MAMA hur hur hur hur hur hur hur
Who am I now?
My name is Joe. I'm pretty sure that part is somewhat obvious. I'm a dingus and I'm weird. I'm a streamer. I'm a craft beer enjoyer. I'm a person that dreams much larger than I probably should at times, and then gets mad at myself when I'm not achieving those dreams at the speed that I want to. When I first joined Twitch I would often chat with other streamers, and every time one of them said my name someone in chat would inevitably say, "Who's Joe?"
It kind of became my brand. It's nowhere near as much of my brand as it used to be, but it still is.
I'm a Software Engineer. That's at least what I was doing for the past 13 years before I lost my job 4 months ago. I'm a flawed person. I've done some things in my life that I deeply regret doing. That being said, I try to put more good into the world than the bad that I've done. I like to try to take a My Name Is Earl approach in that aspect of my life. I know I'm not going to be perfect. I know I'm going to make mistakes, but I try to put the good out there that I would like to (but do not expect to) receive in return.
I'm a beer brewer and a craft beer nerd. I'm not brewing beer right now, but beer has been my passion as long as I've been old enough to drink. There's just something about the craft of it. I love the recipe formulation, and the process of trying to find the malted barleys that best match the flavor profile that you're going for...then finding the hops that will best accentuate those flavors, and help them reach the potential that they truly have.
I'd love to work in the beer industry as a brewer. I've owned two of my own breweries. None of them lived very long. I ended up having to close them due to never really bringing in enough business. Those breweries were both the best and worst experiences. I loved brewing the beer. I loved seeing people enjoy my beer. I HATED the paperwork, red tape, state/federal bureaucracy, and stressing over whether or not I was selling enough beers to be able to keep the doors open.
I'm a streamer and a content creator. My whole life I've never really been happy unless I've been doing something creative. It's a giant part of who I am. I always feel like there's an unfilled void in my being if I'm not doing something creative. Streaming is what fills that void for me. I'm a variety gaming streamer. I play different games while I stream on twitch (twitch.tv/joebrewing), but to me it's never really been about the game I'm playing itself. It's always been more about being myself, showing my personality, and hopefully being a place for people to chill and have a good time.
I'm neurodivergent. I didn't find this out until later on in life, but I am. I've got an incredibly rare genetic disorder. It's a deletion on my 4th chromosome. As far as we know I'm the only person in the world that has it and has lived to be as old as I have. As I said earlier, I didn't find out that I had it until much later in life, but it really helped to explain a lot of the struggles that I had when I was younger as well as the struggles I continue to have in my later years. (I'll probably do a more detailed post about this some other day)
Who do I want to be?
I want to be who I am right now. I want to be more happy with myself. I want to put less pressure on myself. I want to learn how to accept what I have accomplished. I'm not saying that I want to give up on my dreams. I'm just saying that I want to accept what I've been able to accomplish and that sometimes things aren't going to come my way as quickly as I want them to. I've learned that my frustration tends to seep into my stream like a poison, and that creates an environment that no one enjoys.
I want to find a job...sooner than later preferably as I do have a family to support. Right now I'm applying to both Software Engineer and Brewing jobs. I don't want to be a Software Engineer the rest of my life. I know that a Brewing role would make much less than a Software Engineering role, but at this point of my life I'm looking more into what do I need to do to make myself happy...and can I support my family doing it.
I want to be able to support my family as a Content Creator. That's my MAIN goal right now...other than finding a job ASAP. It's part of the reason I'm creating this site. I love streaming. It makes me almost as happy as brewing does. It really fills in that creativity gap that I often don't have filled when I'm doing other things. It's going to be a long road before I'll be able to do it to the point that I can make enough to pay the bills from doing it, but I'm really making a push to be able to do so.
Well...that's me. This is my first blog post. My stream schedule is on the main page. I stream pretty much every day of the week. If you know anyone that's looking for an experienced Software Engineer or a Craft Beer Brewer that is passionate about the craft...then make sure to send them my way.
Thanks for reading to this point, and I'll have a new post before you know it.