What the? Joe? What!?!
I'm sure that's exactly what you're asking yourself. Well, I can explain. This is actually going to be a somewhat short post. Honestly there really isn't a whole lot to explain.
I was playing Golf With Friends...with friends. As one does. There was a sizable group of us, and it was a TON of fun. I hope we do it again at some point. Anyway. I'm veering away from the subject, and it's not like I get paid by the word on here or anything. I don't get paid at all on here.
There were about 3 or 4 of us that all had the name Joe. Every time someone said the name Joe...there was a whole hell of a lot of confusion about who exactly was being talked to. So all of us Joes ended up getting nicknames.
Somehow my nickname ended up being...you guessed it...Princess JB. There was really no rhyme or reason as to why I got the nickname. It was just the first thing that Irish said for me, and I just decided to fully lean into it. I've fully leaned into it to the degree that I have created my own Princess JB merch.
I have to say that I spent WAY MORE TIME putting this artwork together than I care to admit. It's there though. You can buy it. It would be nice if you did as I've been unemployed for 4+ months. I don't care if you do so to make fun of me. Make fun of me by giving me your money.
How dare you!?!?!?!
I'm putting a link to the shirt and to the amazing streamer that gave me the nickname Princess JB at the bottom of the post.