I'm going to start this off by saying that I never really disliked coffee. It was more that I couldn't drink it. It was more that coffee did not like me. I don't know what exactly it is, but there was a period when every time I would try coffee...or pretty much anything that had any sort of coffee like product in it...it would feel like my heart was attempting to evacuate my chest.
This is probably going to be a shorter post. I hope that's ok. There's not really a ton to say about whether or not I like coffee now. I thought it would be something fun to make a blog post about. I thought it would be a little whimsical. I mean...what kind of person am I if not...whimsical. Realistically I could have summed the post up as: Yes, I like coffee now.
I knew that I liked coffee flavoring. I LOVE Coffee Imperial Stouts. So it was obvious that it never really was the flavor of coffee that I didn't like. I'm honestly not entirely sure what has...or if anything really has changed. It doesn't make me feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest like a creature from the movie Alien anymore. That's a good thing. It does, however, give me a nearly uncomfortable level of energy that I'm not quite sure if I like or not. After I drink coffee I feel like I'm a chihuahua vibrating in my own skin. I'm not to the point of it making me bark and snarl at people though...not yet at least.
Like I said, this is going to be a short post, and I'm getting to the point of rambling. So let's do a conclusion and talk about why I like coffee now.
It no longer makes me feel like I'm going to die. (this is the biggest reason)
I've always liked the flavor. So that's never really been an issue.
It gives me energy, and it also feels like it gives me clarity. I don't know if I can adequately put into words exactly what I'm trying to say here. Here's an example. Last week I decided to sit down and brain storm on blog post ideas. This is one of the ideas I came up with during that brain storm session. It wasn't long after I had consumed a cup of coffee. It was almost like a temporary stat buff. I was quickly coming up with ideas, and I'm fairly sure that I already have the titles for like my next 30 something blog posts.
Anyway...really long way to say, "Yeah, I guess I like coffee now, and I'm probably going to keep drinking it."
I didn't really get any sort of response to my last post about how often is too often to post so I guess I'm going to keep to my daily posts for now. There's probably going to be some days that I don't make a post. I'll make up for it by posting the next day.
If all goes to plan tomorrow I'll be making a post titled, "I Like Attention."