This is going to be a somewhat short post because I'm celebrating my 5 year Twitch Affiliate Anniversay on stream. So if you're seeing this on the 21st of April in 2025 then chances are I am probably still live. You should come by and say hi. Hang out for a little while. I'm going to be having some fun other streamers join me near the end of the stream.
I also have a job interview in about 40 minutes. It's virtual online though. So we're all good. That doesn't really have anything to do with the post, but it also somewhat contributes to why this is going to be a shorter post. I guess.
I first started streaming on Twitch 5 years ago duh. The very first game I streamed was Roblox. I streamed it with my daughter. It was fun. I learned that as much as their is a lot of good on the internet...there is a lot of bad on the internet. Especially in the Roblox community. I know that's a sentence fragment. I don't really care. Some of the worst harassment I ever received as a streamer was back when I was streaming Roblox.
I wasn't streaming much back then. I was pretty much only streaming 1-2 days a week. There would be times that my daughter would want to stream and I was too tired from work to stream. I wish I could go back in time, slap myself, and get me to stream with her on those days. I would love to have those days back. She's older now. She has her own things she wants to do. She doesn't really want to stream with me anymore.
We played a lot of different games. That's back when I first started playing Ori and the Blind Forest. I just recently got back into it and am hoping to finish it on stream. We also raged to Super Meat Boy. We played all kinds of games. It was a good time. At my peak back then I had an average of about 20 people watching me concurrently.
Then I had a lull where people didn't really watch as much. That was fine. Everyone has a season for things in their lives. The season of them watching my stream had just passed for them. That's happened a lot over my streaming career. I'll get a small group of core "regulars." They'll hang around for a fair amount of time. and when they decide to move on then inevitably I'll eventually get another small group of regulars.
Around the middle of my streaming career I decided to take a break. I wanted to spend more time with the kiddos. I also tried to work on growing on YouTube. That's when I started working on the interview series where I interviewed people while we had a staring contest. That series was a lot of fun, but it was also a LOT of work. I did like 44 of those videos before I really realized that there just isn't an audience for staring contests and try not to blink content
I don't know exactly how long I was away from streaming. I want to say that it was about a year and a half. I could probably look it up exactly, but who's got time for that. I'm back now though. I stream pretty much every day, and I'm back to my hijinks of being a variety streamer.
I know that it's more difficult to grow as a variety streamer. Realistically that's ok with me though. I can't think of any single game that I would want to play every day. Even if I could find one game that I would want to play every day it more than likely wouldn't be a game that people would want to watch me play every day.
So I just play what I want to when the mood strikes me, and my little group of regulars come by and hang out with me...because of my personality, and for who I am...not because of the game that I'm playing.
I don't know what the next 5 years are going to bring. Hell, I don't know what the next 5 days are going to bring. I would love to be sustaining myself as a streamer and laughing as I look back at this post in 5 years. That's my goal. I REALLY WANT to do this for a living. That's what I'm trying to manifest.
...in the end though if I still have my small group of regulars coming in and taking time out of their day to hang out with me...I'll be happy
(I would normally proof read this whole post...but I don't really have time. I'm posting it as is. I'll come back and do a proof read and edit when I have time)